The series takes place on the Island of Sodor in 1862, so Philipo came to the railway in 1860, originally he was the number 3 on his old railway, and he keep his old number during a few time, later he becomes the number 1 and he has a horrible accident (off camera accident, not recorded), forcing him to change shape.
Originally, he does not have running board, because he was a ''prototype'', but later he has the accident, gets his official shape, he gains the running board, a new lamp, visible coal bunkers, a steam dome, and a two-tone whistle.
Philipo is a very hard worker, he can be jealous sometimes with new engines, but he always being a really useful engine, and he can be cheeky sometimes.
Originally, Philipo was going to be called Stuart, but later I change his name, because Stuart is a common name, and Philipo is very catchy. He was going to be a diesel engine, but I later change this to a steam name, so he can have a more prominent role in the series.
Philipo is based on... Well, for being exact I don't know what's his basis. I made the models acording to their undercarriage.
Meet Philipo in the 1st episode of Great Southwest Railway Adventures!
Watch video: Click Here!
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